Andy Schoenherr from Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, is the Stockade Country Manager for USA & Canada
Andy joined the Stockade team as Product Manager in 2022 and recently took over resposnibility for managing the business in North America. He has spent most of his career working in the agricultural sector , including a 13-year stint with a distributor of animal health, equipment and fencing supplies. As an Eagle Scout, he says he is pretty confident with knots but admits he may have a way to go before signing up for tying off a fence at competition level. For now, Andy is excited about connecting great people with great tools and giving them more time to enjoy their work and their leisure.
What is Sun Prairie known for?
It’s a larger suburb of Madison, and the self-proclaimed Groundhog Capital of the World. Jimmy, our resident Groundhog always makes his annual weather prediction on Feb 2nd. Sun Prairie is also the birthplace of the painter, Georgia O’Keefe, and more recently one of the fastest growing cities in the State. I grew up about two hours north in Central Wisconsin which is a big agricultural area.
What do you get up to outside of work?
I have two boys, aged 14 and 10. They keep me pretty busy. I’m a Cubmaster for their Scout pack. I like the outdoors, camping, hiking, and playing golf.
Where is your ideal vacation destination?
Coming from long winters in Wisconsin, my two qualities for travel are food and warmth. I like New Orleans, Miami and having barbeque in North Carolina but the place I would love to go is South Italy – to Florence, Rome, or Tuscany.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
A baseball player, then later I wanted to be a sportswriter.
What motto do you live by?
‘Under promise over deliver’ works in business and in relationships. In almost every situation, if you manage expectations it serves you well in the long run.
What makes you laugh without fail?
I really enjoy irony, being in on a joke is something that makes me smile.
What was the last tool that you bought?
I bought a new car battery charger. I had one I inherited from my grandfather that was maybe from the 1970s – about 50 years old. I found one in the same brand and similar style.
What are you looking forward to the most in your new role?
Putting great tools in the hands of people so they enjoy their job more and they can stay doing what they are doing longer – that is really appealing. I’m also looking forward to understanding what our customers’ needs are and how we can improve our existing tools and develop new ones. The unknown of what we might innovate is what’s most exciting.