Practical Advice for Cleaning & Tool Maintenance
Here are a few things to look for when servicing your Stockade power stapler tools:
Keep parts tight
Screws and bolts on the magazine and nose should be secure but not super tight.
Staples should slide freely along the magazine
On the odd occasion, steel wear plates in the magazine can expand with heat causing staples to bind. There’s a simple fix to this. Take out the two wear plates, give them a slight squeeze with some pliers, and replace.
Lubricate the correct product for your stapler
When doing regular cleaning and maintenance work on your ST400i and ST315i, wipe and spray the coiled spring using a degreaser. Oil and CRC-type products tend to attract dust and grit – so try to avoid using these on your Stockade tool.
Quick reminder: The ST315 and ST400 models use different fuels. The ST400i uses a drier gas so there’ll be less oily residue.
A Focus on the ST315i
ST315i not working as you would expect? Here are some troubleshooting tips to get you going:
Keep your ST351i firing
At times, your tool might not fire, or might misfire. There can be a variety of possible causes. If your tool is not firing as you expect, here are some troubleshooting tips to get you back in action.
Do you have a brand-new tool?
When you fire up your brand-new tool for the first time, there can be an initial delay as the gas reaches the combustion chamber. If you depress the nose, down and up around 8-10 times without pulling the trigger, this will get the gas flowing through the system.
It could be your fuel cells
Expired, empty or cold fuel cells may be the cause. Cold fuel cells can lead to slow gas. A quick fix is to heat up the cells in your pocket or leave them in your vehicle overnight rather than in the back of the ute. Running out of gas is a classic reason why your tool is not firing. If you give the fuel cell a shake you might hear a noise and it is easy to think there is still a small amount of fuel left, but it may really be out of gas. Expired fuel cells are not a common reason for the tool not working, but if the cells are old then it may be the culprit. Check the date on the gas canister.
Is it your batteries?
Check they are charging correctly. Staple jams will also stop your tool firing. Open the nose cover and release the jammed staple.
Firing pin sitting slightly out of place might be the issue
After a service, cleaning session or clearing a staple jam, the staple nose firing pin can sit slightly ajar. The next staple will not move along into the correct position and the tool will not fire. Open the magazine, then use your finger or screwdriver to push the firing pin back into place. Similarly, when the magazine pusher assembly gets tired, this can prevent the staple pushing up into the firing chamber correctly.
A flashing red light on the handle of your tool lets you know your battery is flat. A constant red light on the handle is a sign that there is an internal issue, and you need to send the tool to a Service Agent for inspection.
Looking for more tips?
Watch the “How to” cleaning videos on the Stockade website, via Stockade | How to Videos | How to clean your stapler.
Don’t forget that you can always contact us via the form on our website

Stockade Service Agents
Even with good cleaning and maintenance routines, your tool will thank you for regular servicing. Head to the website to see the full list of Service Agents, Where to Service – Stockade
Below are some service agents around NZ & US:
Otago/Southland | Onsite Nail Gun Services, c/o Dunstan Motors 38 Sunderland St, Clyde Darrin Hall 021 332 591 |
Christchurch | Sports Service Centre, 519 Tuahiwi Rd, RD1, Kaiapoi 7691 Paul Thomas 03 313 0064 |
Nelson | Electrical Service Centre, 31 Parkers Rd, Tahunanui, Nelson 7011 Office 03 548 3144 |
Wellington | Nail Gun Solutions Ltd, 1 Sunlight Grove, Porirua Rick 029 777 9920 |
Hamilton | LeGrand Tool Services, 50 Higgins Rd, Frankton, Hamilton 3304 Kerry 021 103 3102 |
New Plymouth | Enpro Machinery, 307 East Devon St, New Plymouth 4312 Office 06 758 5736 |
Northland | Thompson & Industrial, 11 Rewa Rewa Rd, Raumanga, Whangarei Dave Thompson, 09 438 6956 or 027 721 5694 |
USA | Certified Tool Solutions, 320 Northpoint Parkway Southeast Suite Q, Acworth Georgia 30102. (770) 218 6050 |
Get in touch
To learn more about Stockade, get in touch with us at